Tuesday 19 February 2013


Surviving in today’s business world requires courtesy on the part of producer or seller. A
discourteous producer or service provider cannot succeed in the buyer’s market. That is why
famous slogan of ‘Customer is always right’ invented. To achieve courtesy following points should
be considered.
(a) Be tactful.
(b) Omit expressions that can irritate.
(c) Answer/mail promptly.
(d) Grant and apologize.
(a) Be Tactful:
Tact means handling customer with a right technique. Otherwise, if customers are not
handled properly, business may suffer.
Tactless: Your letter is not complete I cannot understand it.
Tactful: If I understand your letter correctly, you want to say that…….
(b) Omit Expressions that Can Irritate:
Irritating expressions are disliked by all and customers are not any exception.
(i) You have failed
(ii) You have no choice
(iii)You neglect
(iv) You claim that
(c) Answer / Mail Promptly:
It is a matter of business courtesy that all mails should be answered promptly. A late reply
may give an impression that the manufacturer is not interested in the customer.
(d) Grand and Apologize:
It is always advisable to give some favor to the customer if he asked for it, and if some mistake is
committed, it is better to apologize.

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