Tuesday 19 February 2013

What are the responsibilities of a good listener?

Q. What are the responsibilities of a good listener? OR
Explain consideration before starting listening?
Ans: There are following responsibilities of good listeners;
1. Preparation for listening:-
A listener should prepare himself to listen. This preparation includes following point:

(i) No talking:- A listener must not talk when he is going to listen otherwise, the idea may not
be received or it may be interrupted.
(ii) Avoiding distraction:- The listener should not distract his attention from the speaker to
some other object. Shuffling papers or doing any other thing may disturb the person of
receiving ideas.
(iii) Good environmental condition:- The listeners should arrange a suitable condition before
listening. Noise of traffic, poor ventilation, extraordinary warmness or coldness and
many other such things cause problems in listening.
2. Concentration on message:-
A listener is required to concentrate on verbal and non-verbal message. For having good
concentration, following points are to be considered:
(i) Controlling emotion and feelings:- Sometimes it happens that speaker’s words hurt the
feelings of listeners. In this situation the listeners should control his/her emotion and feeling
because if he loses temperament, he cannot get the message.
(ii) Avoiding evaluation:- The listener should concentrate only on listening and avoid jumping
to conclusion or evaluating the message.
(iii) Showing interest:- The listener should show his interest to the topic so that the speaker can
be motivated to convey his ideas in a better way.

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