Sunday 17 February 2013

Draft an indemnity bond, to be given to the company for seeing release of Dividend

Question 23
Mr. A has not received a dividend warrant of Rs. 1,500 for 150 shares of XYZ Ltd. Draft
an indemnity bond, to be given to the company for seeing release of Dividend. (May-2007)

Indemnity Bond
Mr. A S/o ………………….. resident ………………… do hereby agree to indemnify the XYZ
Ltd. for any loss that may occur for seeking release of dividend for 150 shares of Rs. 1500. I
further declare that personally I have not received the dividend warrant in question.
Mr. A
Dated:                                                                                                  Signature
Question 24
J desires to gift out her flat in Mumbai in City Cooperative Society registered under the
Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960, to her brother A. Stating the legal
requirements to be complied with, draft a Gift Deed. Take your own data regarding date,
flat no., floor area etc. (November-2007)
Drafting of Gift Deed:
Legal Requirements
1. There must be a donor and a donee.
2. Gift must be accepted by the donee during the life time of the donor.
3. Registration of gift of immovable property is must.
4. Gift Deed requires attestation by witnesses.
Specimen of Gift Deed:
This Deed of gift is made of…………..on this………… of……..2007. Between………..
an Indian……………..inhabitant residing at flat No., Cooperative Housing Society
Ltd……….(city), hereinafter called 'The Doner' of the one part and , also an Indian
inhabitant of (City)………….Residing at ……….... at………(city) herein after called there
'Donee of the other part. Whereas the Donee ………….is the………of donor………….and
whereas the Doner is the member of …………. society which is duly registered under
Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960. The donor has 5 fully paid shares of the
said society. The donor has acquired a flat No.……..on the………floor and measuring:……
sqr. mtr. In the building situated at…….. (City)

Whereas the Donor has full right title and in last in their said shares/flat more particularly
described in this schedule.
And whereas the donor desired to gift his right, title and interest in the said share/flat in the said
building of the said society described in the schedule hereunder written to the Donee hereto.
The Donor out of natural love and affection for the donee hereby transfer by way of gift his
right title and interest in the said shares and the flat absolutely forever.

The Donee accepts the gift and agrees to hold that right title and interest of the Donor in
said shares/flat of the societies.
In the interest whose of the parties hereto have here under set and subscribed their
respective hands on the day and the year.
Signed and Delivered
In the presence of…………….
1. ..............
2. ..............
Signed and Delivered:
By the named Donee.
In the presence of.................
1 ..........
2. ………

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