Sunday 17 February 2013

Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members

Question 15
Board of Directors of Prakash Traders Private Limited proposes to convene an
Extraordinary General Meeting for changing the name of the company to Prakash
International Private Limited. Draft the notice for calling the Extraordinary General
Meeting of the Members. (May-2008)
Notice for Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members
Notice is hereby given that extraordinary General Meeting of the members of Prakash
Traders Private Limited will be held on Monday, the ……day of 2008, at the registered
office of the company at…….Mumbai at……..P.M. to transact the following business.
Special Business
To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification the following resolution
as special resolution.
“Resolved that, subject to the approval of the Central Government under section 21 of the
Companies Act,1956, the name of the company be and is changed from Prakash Traders
Private Limited to Prakash International Private Limited and that consequent to this
change clause I of the Memorandum and Article …..of the Articles of Association of the
company be altered accordingly.
By order of the Board of Directors of Prakash Traders Private Limited.

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