Wednesday 20 February 2013

Feedback in Communication

5. Feedback in Communication. Feedback in the communication process is the
response that gives us some indication of how effectively we communicate. It is the
gauge of efficiency in communication.
If a thirsty man asks for water in a culturally appropriate way, using proper means and
channels of communication, he will get the desired feedback (water to quench his thirst).
Thus, the purpose of his communication will have been achieved.
6. Effective Communication. We communicate with other people around us from the
day we are born until death. Most of our communication, however, will be ineffective if
we do not understand the processes involved and acquire special communication skills in
order to enhance our effectiveness.
What is effective communication? Human communication is effective, if:

 the input (a sum of information or experiences built up in the encoder‟s mind) is
translated into an encoded message in such a way that the output (encoded
message sent) most accurately represents the input (1:1 output-input ratio),
 the encoded message is easily decoded, or translated by the decoder, and
 an adequate (= desired, predictable, calculated) feedback (response to the encoded
message) is sent back and duly received.

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