Wednesday 20 February 2013

Prerequisites for effective communication:

Prerequisites for effective communication:
1. Knowledge of
 subject matter
 decoder(s)
 environment
 human psychology
2. Communication Skills. Skill means “practiced ability, expertness.” If you
are good at something – whatever this activity may be - because you
approach it intelligently, have mastered and habitually employ the
techniques, then you have a skill, i.e. driving, swimming, or typing
Communication skills means intelligent and practiced ways of sending and
receiving messages – talking and writing, listening and reading. This
involves an understanding of how the process works, and sensitivity to
variable factors, as well as mastery of the techniques.
 Language skills: oral (i.e., clear pronunciation, suitable
vocabulary, correct grammar/syntax, fluency, expressive delivery),
written (correct spelling, suitable vocabulary, correct
grammar/syntax, good writing or typing, suitable style, etc.), and
visual/non-verbal (understanding of/control over “body language”)
 Analytical thinking: ability to extract and prioritize information;
ability to choose the appropriate medium & channel of
communication; ability to analyze the reactions of the decoder(s),
3. Personality traits, such as charm, self-confidence, relaxed, easy-going and
friendly manner, sensitivity, perceptiveness, emotional stability,
objectiveness and patience, open-mindedness and flexibility.
4. Motivation, practical benefit, personal interest, etc.
5. Necessary infrastructure, such as telephone, fax, public address system,
microphone, computer networks, the Internet, e-mail, visual aids,

electricity supply, etc.
6. Physical/mental health and fitness, i.e., communication with a deaf,
dumb, or delirious man will be impeded, just as it will be if the encoder /
decoder is exhausted physically or drunk/drugged.
Thus, good interpersonal communication skills and conducive attitudes
(willingness to communicate) are the basic requirements for effective

7. Barriers to Communication: on one or both sides (encoder‟s and decoder‟s):
 Lack of knowledge
 Lack of interest or attention
 Lack in communication skills (language use, analytical thinking)
 Lack of charm, self-confidence, sensitivity, perceptiveness,
objectiveness and patience; tense, uneasy personality, inflexibility
 Bias, prejudice, or preconceived ideas
 Distractions
 Competition for attention
 Differences in perception
 Attitudes
 Lack of motivation
 Physical/mental handicaps
 Stress

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