Tuesday 19 February 2013

Q. Discuss briefly various symbols of positive and negative attitude of an interview?

Q. Discuss briefly various symbols of positive and negative attitude of
an interview?
Ans: An interview may have a negative or positive attitude during the time of interview. The
summary of these negative or positive symbols is as below.

A. Direct Interview:
Positive                                                                                    Negative
a) Early arrival                                                                          Late arrival
b) Alert, responsible attitude                                                     Intensive, dull attitude
c) Emphatic attitude                                                                  Withdrawn attitude
d) Relaxed manner                                                                   Tension, body tremor
e) Smiles                                                                                  Frowns
f) Clear voice                                                                           Choked voice
g) Diligent, responsible, smart                                                   Lack of concentration, dull, weak
h) Strong and determined attitude                                             Lack of determination
B. Verbal Behavior:
Positive                                                                                    Negative
a) Sticking to the main point                                                      Changing the subject
b) Relevant responses                                                               Irrelevant responses
c) Well organized presentation                                                  Disorganized presentation
d) Appropriate use of humor                                                     uncalled of levity
e) Spontaneous replies                                                              Long pause before replying
f) Speaking well of people                                                         Criticism of others
g) Eye contacting confident                                                        Looking sideways cresting ayes downward.

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