Tuesday 19 February 2013

How should an effective interviewer behave during interview?

Q. How should an effective interviewer behave during interview?
What pitfall an effective interviewer avoid? What are the guidelines
to an interview to conduct and effective interview? Or what are
the responsibilities of an interviewer?
Ans: Giving an interview is equally important as taking interview, one has to be very careful
while giving an interview, there are following guidelines in general which could enable an interviewer
to conduct a good and effective interview.
a) Preparation
b) Conduct during interview
c) Evaluation
a) Preparation:
The interviewer should prepare himself before the interview, the following points are to be
considered in this regard.
1. Reading applicant’s Resume: There is much information provider in his resume so
the resume should be read in detail. So as to asks the question in the perspective of resume.

2. Being aware of state Regulation: There are many policies and rules and regulation
made by a state about the recruitment of employees. The interviewer should be aware of
them so as to avoid any prospective lawsuit.
3. Planning the questions: The interviewer should plan the pattern of question, the
number of question types length duration etc. should be clear in the mind of interviewer.
4. Omitting personal bias: There might be many biases in the minds of interviewer about
the candidates. In order to make the interviewee fair he should avid these biases.
b) Conduct during the interview:
Having prepared for the interview the interviewer should consider the following points during
1. Letting the candidate speak: The main objective of interview is to have the
information from the candidate as much as possible, so interviewer should let the candidate
speak as much as possible.
2. Using the language of candidate: If there is no restoration regarding the language such a
language should be used in which the candidate feels easy and free.
3. Avoiding arguing with the candidate: The purpose of interview is to evaluate the
candidate not to solve a dispute, so argumentation with the candidate should be avoided.
4. Not interrupting the candidate: The candidate is already under a lot of pressure. So
the candidate should not be interrupted.
5. Controlling the emotions: During the interview there are many stages on which the
interviewers might get emotional. This may cause failures to the interview process.
6. Establishing eye contact: In order to be confident and the put the candidate at case, the
interviewer should establish an eye contact with the candidate.
7. Using body language: Use of body language can play an important to make the
question clear the candidate.

8. Asking open ended questions instantly: The close or dead ended questions are not very
useful to acquire more information. So open-ended question should be asked as much as
c) Evaluation:
After the interview the last step is to evaluate the interviewee. For this purpose there are
following points which should be given importance.
1. No personal bias: There might be many candidates with whom the interviewer may
have personal bias. This should be avoided in any case so as to hire the potential people.
2. Clear cut standards: The interviewer should try to establish a clear-cut standard for
evaluation such as point system.

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