Tuesday 19 February 2013

Q. What pitfall an interviewer should avoid?

Q. What pitfall an interviewer should avoid?
Ans: There are many things in which the interviewer can easily be trapped. There are the general
pitfalls which should be avoided. They relate mainly to the following biases prejudices and other
weaknesses within the interviewer.
1. Halo Effect:
It is the tendency of the interviewer to from an overall opinion regarding the applicant on the
basis on a single aspect of his or her personality. For example, if the candidate did not comb his
hairs properly the interviewer might have an image that the applicant is a careless person.
2. Stereotype Error Trap:
It is the tendency to categorize the candidate on the basis of features of surface cleans or some
superficial hints.
3. Expectancy Error:
It is the tendency of the applicant to anticipate the need and preference of the interviewer and
to respond accordingly. For example, the candidate may give an answer, which is correct but

not in accordance with the interviewer preference. So the interviewer should give the leverage
to the candidate.
4. Ideal image error:
Usually, an interviewer has an image of a candidate. This usually happens that the image in the
mind interviewer does not coincide with the candidate. So the interviewer should go on for a
5. Personal bias of the interviewer:
The interviewer may have many personal biases against the candidate. Poor handshake, biting
of finger, gum, chewing, loud, clothes, poor eye contact etc. these should be ignored.
6. Pseudoscience and myths:
Handwriting, outward features, date of birth number of letters n the name lines or makes on the
palm of hand and shape and bulges of the skull are not scientific tolls to judge the ability of the
candidate. An interviewer should avoid them.
7. Stereotypes Mechemiol:
Interviewer might indulge in monotony in different questions in different ways should be
8. Other pitfalls:
There are a number of pitfalls other than those mentioned above. These are as follows;
i. Illusion that the previous experience of itself guarantees ability to do the job well.
ii. Being impressed because the applicant needs a job even though the necessary
qualification is lacking.
iii. Talking too much by interviewee not listening.
iv. Poor preparation before interview.
v. Asking inappropriate questions.
vi. Being discourteous and rude towards the applicant.
vii. Jumping to conclusion.
viii. Accepting facts without intending to determine meaning and accuracy.
ix. Leaving unexplored gaps.

x. Allowing candidate to guide the interviewer.
xi. Depending on memory to conduct interview and to evaluate the applicant’s qualification.
xii. Asking other questions when the applicant hesitates a moment.
xiii. Appearing to be critical and cold towards the applicant.
xiv. Not observing non-verbal be clues.
xv. Poor questions (a) leading question (b) loaded question (c) dead ended question.

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