Tuesday 19 February 2013

Q Distinguish between solicited sales letter and unsolicited sales letter

Q Distinguish between solicited sales letter and unsolicited sales
Ans: Solicited Sales Letters:
Solicited sales letter is reply to sales related inquiry (trade inquiry). Such letters deal with the
questions about catalogue, prices, terms, discount, deliveries, manufacturing methods, types of
accounts, available sources of supply and similar information.
Solicited sales letters are also called invited sales messages. The inquirer is often already
customer or a potential buyer, who may become a steady satisfied customer if the reply is sent
with favorable impression. Following are the principles of writing impressing solicited sales
1. Answer Promptly, because a prompt answer is more effective and it also gives an
impression of attentiveness in other matters.
2. Respond completely, because omissions of certain facts limit the value of the answer and
handicap the reader in decision making.
3. Give additional information relating to the inquiry, because some inquiries may not be clear
and complete.
4. Reply courteously, because it creates favorable impression even if just a little information is
5. Follow-up the reply when desired response does not result within a reasonable time, give
some more information or ask if any further information can be given.
Unsolicited Sales Letters:
Unsolicited sales letters are not direct answers to inquiries, but they are initiated by the seller for
various reason. These letters are also known as “Prospective” and “Cold Turkey” letters.
According to Murphy and Peck the success in unsolicited sales letters will depend upon three
factor; the mailing list, the right appeals, and the presentation. The first two of these factors are
prewriting steps and the last one relates to writing the sales letter.
Prewriting Steps:
The prewriting steps are the six planning steps-about purpose, reader, ideas to include, fact
gathering, organization and revision. While planning an unsolicited sales letter these steps are
taken in the following sequence.
1. Gathering facts about the product.
2. Knowing the reader and obtaining the mailing list.
3. Deciding on purpose.
4. Choosing ideas and the main appeal.
5. Planning the presentation.
6. Making revisions.
Writing unsolicited Sales Letter:
The basic structure for unsolicited sales letter usually has four parts, commonly known as the
AIDA formula for sales presentation.
A – Attracting the readers’ favourable attention.
I – Arousing the reader’s interest.
D – Creating desire and convincing the reader.
A – Making clear the action the reader needs to take.

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