Tuesday 19 February 2013

Q. Explain in detail verbal and non verbal communication?

Q. Explain in detail verbal and non verbal communication?
Ans: VERBAL COMMUNICATION: Verbal communication means such a communication
that takes place by means of a language or words”. It includes the following contents.
a. Oral communication (Speaking & listening)
b. Written communication (writing & reading)

1. Speaking:-
In order to send message in business, speaking plays a vital role. Giving instruction,
conducting interviews, attending meetings, sending orders through telephone calls are very common in
today’s business.
2. Writing:-
It is used when a complex message is sent. Placing order through letters, informing
employees through circulars, sending reports and memos, filling different government forms, keeping
records in writing are some examples of this aspect of verbal communication.
3. Listening:-
People in business spend more time in obtaining information then transmitting it. Listening
is the most important way to receive information: information regarding order of employers,
instruction, rules and regulation, customer trend etc, are obtained through listening. But in listening,
people generally forget 75% of the message after few days.
4. Reading:-
Reading reports, memos, policies, circulars, and different business statements are essential
for an organization: Reading involves understanding and interpreting the material.
NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION: It means communication without the use of language
or words. It includes appearance, body language, silence, etc. Its explanation is as follows;
1. Facial Expressions:-
Face and eyes are helpful means of nonverbal communication. They reveal hidden
emotions such as anger, confusion, enthusiasm, fear, joy etc.
2. Gestures, postures & movement:-
Postures means the language primarily composed of hand and fingers. Communication of
deaf people and signal given by traffic constable are the example of posture. Gestures and body
movement also indicate many things. Shaking hand with firmness indicates a warm relationship,
moving back and forth reveals nervousness.

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