Tuesday 19 February 2013

Q. What do you mean by good listening and bad listening? Discuss,

Q. What do you mean by good listening and bad listening? Discuss,
Ans: Good listening means a person’s ability to understand the message effectively and
efficiently. It results in improved communication and quick feedback.

Listening is not just heart. It is respectively that permits understanding of what is heard and makes the
listener a sharer in communication.
Listening is a skill that requires parlance and lact. There are certain advantages of good listening.
1. It leads to helpful positive attitudes.
2. It permits the speaker and listener to improve communication.
3. It provides a feed-back to the speaker who can adjust to the situation and helps his/her give
better presentation.
4. It creates better understanding of the two parties.
Bad listening:-
It means a person’s disability to understand the message partially or completely. It results
in (i) Poor hearing (ii) Poor understanding (iii) Poor interpretation,
It can be overcome by following the guidelines of listening.

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