Tuesday 19 February 2013

Q.3 Why should a business communicator know about listening? OR Discuss advantages of good listening: OR What is the purpose of listening? Discuss;

Q.3 Why should a business communicator know about listening? OR
Discuss advantages of good listening: OR
What is the purpose of listening? Discuss;
Ans: Listening is an important aspect of business communication. It stands third after writing
and speaking. A business communicator has to listen to various customer, employees, officer,
suppliers, financiers etc. Obviously, it is an unavoidable task for a business person. This important
reason as to why a business communicator should known about listening is enumerated as under.
(1) To gain new information and ideas.
(2) To question and test evidence and assumptions.
(3) To be inspired and motivated.
(4) To improve overall communication.
The explanation of these points is as under:
1. To gain new information and ideas:-
A business person has to get new information and ideas from various parties. For example
he gets the information from customers regarding the product. He takes various ideas from the
employees inside the organization. He receives order or instruction forms his superiors. He gets
training form his instructor. All these activities require him to be a good listener.
2. To question test evidence and assumptions:-
Any activity, particularly business, activity requires good analytical skill to survive in the
environment. A good listener does not feel much difficulty in doing so. The message of speaker mostly
consists of facts (Verifiable data) or opinions (inferences). Good listeners test those facts and opinions
against assumptions and then question the speaker. In this way he is able to analyze the massage and
treat it on its merit.
3. To be inspired a motivated:-
A dynamic business man wants to be motivated again and again. Good listening enables
him to take inspiration from the message and brings about enthusiasm in his attitude.
4. To improve overall communication:-
A business person needs strong communication skills to survive in the market. And to face
a high degree of competition. This can only be achieved by having strength in all areas of
communicating i.e. writing, reading, speaking and particularly listening.

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