Tuesday 19 February 2013

Q. What is a Problem Solving Conference? Explain its planning and Procedure.

Q. What is a Problem Solving Conference? Explain its planning and
Ans: There are primarily three kinds of meetings of conferences.
1. International conference whose purpose is to provide information to the participants.
2. Suggested solution conference in which a suggested solution is presented for discussion.
3. Problem solving conference.
ANSWER: Business Meetings is a form of Oral Communication. Problem-Solving Conference is one
of such meetings, Meetings which result in decision for action is very common in business world.
The problem is presented in such a meetings to prepare a written report on it. The participant suggests
solutions, discuss and evaluate them, and arrive at a decision on which action is to be taken. Hence the
name is given ad the Problem-Solving Conference.
When the problem is of complex nature, the problem is given to the participant who tries to
solve it, for example if there is continuous unrest and labour and the executives are unable to solve
it, a meeting may be arranged to solve the problem with the help of participants in the meeting.
Planning steps before problem solving conference.
1. Reviewing the Problem and Determine the Precise Purpose:
Before starting the conference the leader should have a clear-cut idea about the central purpose
of meeting. The problem might be decline in profit decrease in market share etc. the problem
should be reviewed in detail.
2. Deciding Who Should Participate:
In such a meeting, the participating have to play a very important role so, it has to be decided
very carefully who should participate: The participant may be among managerial staff of the
organization, specialist out side the organization etc.
3. Arranging for Meeting Date, Time, Place:
The date, time and place should be arranged properly. While deciding these, one should have
knowledge about the strikes, holidays, weather etc. having decided them, their information
should be communicated properly to all participants.

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