Tuesday 19 February 2013

Q. Write a checklist for opening and closing.

Q. Write a checklist for opening and closing.
Ans: Checklist for Opening Paragraph:
1. Chose an opening appropriate for the message, purpose and for the reader.
(a) Main idea or good news first for direct request, neutral and good news message.
(b) Buffer first for the bad new message.
(c) Attention getting statement first for persuasive requests.
2. Make the opening considerate, courteous, concise and clear.
(a) Get reader into opening.
(b) Keep first paragraph relatively short.
(c) Focus on the positive.
(d) Use courteous conversational language.
(e) Avoid unnecessary reputation.
3. Check for completeness regarding.
(a) Sentence structure.
(b) Date of letter you are answering.
Checklist for Closing Paragraph:
1. Make your action request clear and complete with the fine list and H (how) if you want
your reader to do something.
(a) What and who: Clearly state what action you desire and who should do it.
(b) How and where: Make action easy.
(c) When: Date the action if desirable.
(d) Why: Show reader benefit if possible.
2. End on a positive courteous thought.
(a) Include any positives and negatives before the last paragraph.
(b) Be friendly.
(c) Show appreciation.
(d) Occasionally add a person note.
3. Keep the last paragraph concise and correct.
(a) Avoid trite expressions.
(b) Omit discussions of trivial detail.
(c) Use relatively short and complete sentences.

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