Sunday 17 February 2013

What is meant by 'Critical thinking'? How shall you develop critical thinking?

Question 8
What is meant by 'Critical thinking'? How shall you develop critical thinking?
Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is the discipline of rigorously and skillfully using
information, experience, observation and reasoning to guide one's decisions, actions and
beliefs. Critical thinking refers to the act of question of every step of the thinking process
e.g. Have you considered all the facts? Have you tested your assumptions? Is your
reasoning sound? Can you be sure your judgment is unbiased? Is your thinking process
logical, rational and complete?
Developing Critical thinking: To develop as a critical thinker, one must be motivated to
develop the following attributes:
1. Open-minded: Readiness to accept and explore alternative approaches and ideas.
2. Well informed: Knowledge of the facts and what is happening on all fronts.
3. Experimental: Thinking through 'what if scenarios to create probable options and
then test the theories to determine what will work and what will not be acceptable.
4. Contextual: Keeping in mind the appropriate context in the course of analyses.
Apply factors of analysis is that are relevant or appropriate.
5. Reserved in making conclusion: Knowledge of when, a conclusion is a 'fact' and
when it is not only true conclusions support decisions.

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