Sunday 17 February 2013

What are the merits and demerits of grape-vine form of Communication?

Question 6
What are the merits and demerits of grape-vine form of Communication?
Merits of the grapevine form of communication:
(a) Speedy transmission: The greatest merit of this phenomenon is that it transmits
information very speedily. A rumour spreads like wild fire. The very moment a worker
comes to know that something is ‘top secret’ or ‘confidential’ he/she tries to look into
it or have some idea of it and pass it on to others. Thus it spreads within minutes.
Managers have been known to distribute information through planned ‘leaks’ or
carefully used ‘just between you and me’ remarks as part of grapevine
(b) Feedback value: It is primarily through the grapevine that the managers or top
bosses of an organisation get the feedback regarding their policies, decisions,
memos etc. The feedback reaches them much faster through the informal channel
than through the formal channel.
(c) Support to other channels: The grapevine or informal channel functions as a
supplementary or parallel channel of communication. The formal channels not only
take more time but also impose certain constraints on the process of communication.
So, whatever is deemed to be unsuitable for the formal channels can be successfully
transmitted through the grapevine form of communication.
(d) Psychological satisfaction: The grapevine gives immense psychological
satisfaction to the workers and strengthens their solidarity. It draws them nearer to
each other and thus keeps the organisation intact as a social entity.
(a) It is less credible. It cannot always be taken seriously.

Law, Ethics and Communication
(b) It does not always carry the complete information.
(c) It often distorts the picture or often misinforms.

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